Nuclear Decommissioning Services Market Insight, Size, Share, Growth, Up-To-Date Key Trends, Regional Outlook, and Forecast - 2030
Price : US$ 3,000 | Date : Jun 2023 |
Category : Energy, Mining and Utilities | Pages : 143 |
A nuclear reactor once referred to as an atomic bomb factory, is a machine used to trigger and regulate a fissional nuclear chain reaction in the core of a nuclear reactor. Nuclear Reactors are also used in nuclear energy production and in nuclear marine propulsion research and development. At this point in time, there are many types of nuclear Reactors in use including PWR (plant design capacity), MRC (megaton capacity), and APRV (aperture protection voltage). Nuclear reactors require a large amount of steel mesh to contain the molten metal within the core to prevent it from rising and spreading to cause a safety issue.
Rising demand for electricity and green energy source is driving the growth of the nuclear reactor market. According to the Our World in Data, in 2019, around 11% of global primary energy came from renewable technologies. In 2019, around 7% of global energy came from hydropower and around 2% of global energy came from wind. Moreover, advancement in nuclear reactor technology is further expected to augment the growth of the market in the near future.
North America is expected to gain significant growth in the near future and this is attributed to the high demand for clean energy in the region. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, at the end of December 2020, the United States had 94 operating commercial nuclear reactors at 56 nuclear power plants in 28 states. At the end of 2020, there were 94 operating reactors with a combined generation capacity of about 96,555 MW. From 2014 through 2018, annual nuclear generation capacity and electricity generation increased each year even as the number of operating reactors declined.
Key Developments:
This Report covers the manufacturers' data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the World, which shows a regional development status, including market size, volume, and value, as well as price data.
Besides, the report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers. If you need more information,
Section 1: Definition
Section (2 3): Manufacturer Detail
Westinghouse Electric Company
Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Section 4: Region Segmentation
North America Country (United States, Canada)
South America
Asia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea)
Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy)
Other Country (Middle East, Africa, GCC)
Section (5 6 7):
Product Type Segmentation
Pressurized water reactor (PWR)
Boiling water reactor (BWR)
Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR)
Gas-cooled reactor (AGR & Magnox)
Fast neutron reactor (FBR)
Industry Segmentation
Generating electricity
Moving aircraft carriers and submarines
Channel (Direct Sales, Distributor) Segmentation
Section 8: Trend (2020-2026)
Section 9: Product Type Detail
Section 10: Downstream Consumer
Section 11: Cost Structure
Section 12: Conclusion
Table of Contents
Section 1 Nuclear Reactor Product Definition
Section 2 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Manufacturer Share and Market Overview
2.1 Global Manufacturer Nuclear Reactor Shipments
2.2 Global Manufacturer Nuclear Reactor Business Revenue
2.3 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Overview
Section 3 Manufacturer Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
3.1 Areva Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
3.1.1 Areva Nuclear Reactor Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-2018
3.1.2 Areva Nuclear Reactor Business Distribution by Region
3.1.3 Areva Interview Record
3.1.4 Areva Nuclear Reactor Business Profile
3.1.5 Areva Nuclear Reactor Product Specification
3.2 CNNC Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
3.2.1 CNNC Nuclear Reactor Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-2018
3.2.2 CNNC Nuclear Reactor Business Distribution by Region
3.2.3 Interview Record
3.2.4 CNNC Nuclear Reactor Business Overview
3.2.5 CNNC Nuclear Reactor Product Specification
3.3 Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
3.3.1 Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-2018
3.3.2 Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Business Distribution by Region
3.3.3 Interview Record
3.3.4 Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Business Overview
3.3.5 Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Product Specification
3.4 Westinghouse Electric Company Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
3.5 CGN Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
3.6 Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
Section 4 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Region Level)
4.1 North America Country
4.1.1 United States Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.1.2 Canada Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.2 South America Country
4.2.1 South America Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.3 Asia Country
4.3.1 China Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.3.2 Japan Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.3.3 India Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.3.4 Korea Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.4 Europe Country
4.4.1 Germany Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.4.2 UK Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.4.3 France Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.4.4 Italy Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.4.5 Europe Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.5 Other Country and Region
4.5.1 Middle East Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.5.2 Africa Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.5.3 GCC Nuclear Reactor Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-2018
4.6 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Region Level) Analysis 2014-2018
4.7 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Region Level) Analysis
Section 5 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Product Type Level)
5.1 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Product Type Level) Market Size 2014-2018
5.2 Different Nuclear Reactor Product Type Price 2014-2018
5.3 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Product Type Level) Analysis
Section 6 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Industry Level)
6.1 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Market Size 2014-2018
6.2 Different Industry Price 2014-2018
6.3 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Analysis
Section 7 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Channel Level)
7.1 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Channel Level) Sales Volume and Share 2014-2018
7.2 Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Channel Level) Analysis
Section 8 Nuclear Reactor Market Forecast 2018-2023
8.1 Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Region Level)
8.2 Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Product Type Level)
8.3 Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Industry Level)
8.4 Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Channel Level)
Section 9 Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Product Type
9.1 Pressurized water reactor (PWR) Product Introduction
9.2 Boiling water reactor (BWR) Product Introduction
9.3 Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) Product Introduction
9.4 Gas-cooled reactor (AGR & Magnox) Product Introduction
9.5 Fast neutron reactor (FBR) Product Introduction
Section 10 Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Industry
10.1 Generating electricity Clients
10.2 Moving aircraft carriers and submarines Clients
Section 11 Nuclear Reactor Cost of Production Analysis
11.1 Raw Material Cost Analysis
11.2 Technology Cost Analysis
11.3 Labor Cost Analysis
11.4 Cost Overview
Section 12 Conclusion
Chart and Figure
Figure Nuclear Reactor Product Picture from Areva
Chart 2014-2018 Global Manufacturer Nuclear Reactor Shipments (Units)
Chart 2014-2018 Global Manufacturer Nuclear Reactor Shipments Share
Chart 2014-2018 Global Manufacturer Nuclear Reactor Business Revenue (Million USD)
Chart 2014-2018 Global Manufacturer Nuclear Reactor Business Revenue Share
Chart Areva Nuclear Reactor Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-2018
Chart Areva Nuclear Reactor Business Distribution
Chart Areva Interview Record (Partly)
Figure Areva Nuclear Reactor Product Picture
Chart Areva Nuclear Reactor Business Profile
Table Areva Nuclear Reactor Product Specification
Chart CNNC Nuclear Reactor Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-2018
Chart CNNC Nuclear Reactor Business Distribution
Chart CNNC Interview Record (Partly)
Figure CNNC Nuclear Reactor Product Picture
Chart CNNC Nuclear Reactor Business Overview
Table CNNC Nuclear Reactor Product Specification
Chart Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-2018
Chart Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Business Distribution
Chart Rosatom Interview Record (Partly)
Figure Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Product Picture
Chart Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Business Overview
Table Rosatom Nuclear Reactor Product Specification
3.4 Westinghouse Electric Company Nuclear Reactor Business Introduction
Chart United States Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart United States Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Canada Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Canada Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart South America Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart South America Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart China Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart China Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Japan Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Japan Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart India Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart India Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Korea Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Korea Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Germany Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Germany Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart UK Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart UK Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart France Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart France Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Italy Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Italy Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Europe Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Europe Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Middle East Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Middle East Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Africa Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Africa Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart GCC Nuclear Reactor Sales Volume (Units) and Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart GCC Nuclear Reactor Sales Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Region Level) Sales Volume 2014-2018
Chart Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Region Level) Market size 2014-2018
Chart Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Product Type Level) Volume (Units) 2014-2018
Chart Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Product Type Level) Market Size (Million $) 2014-2018
Chart Different Nuclear Reactor Product Type Price ($/Unit) 2014-2018
Chart Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Market Size (Volume) 2014-2018
Chart Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Market Size (Share) 2014-2018
Chart Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Market Size (Value) 2014-2018
Chart Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Channel Level) Sales Volume (Units) 2014-2018
Chart Global Nuclear Reactor Market Segmentation (Channel Level) Share 2014-2018
Chart Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Region Level) 2018-2023
Chart Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Product Type Level) 2018-2023
Chart Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Industry Level) 2018-2023
Chart Nuclear Reactor Segmentation Market Forecast (Channel Level) 2018-2023
Chart Pressurized water reactor (PWR) Product Figure
Chart Pressurized water reactor (PWR) Product Advantage and Disadvantage Comparison
Chart Boiling water reactor (BWR) Product Figure
Chart Boiling water reactor (BWR) Product Advantage and Disadvantage Comparison
Chart Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) Product Figure
Chart Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) Product Advantage and Disadvantage Comparison
Chart Gas-cooled reactor (AGR & Magnox) Product Figure
Chart Gas-cooled reactor (AGR & Magnox) Product Advantage and Disadvantage Comparison
Chart Fast neutron reactor (FBR) Product Figure
Chart Fast neutron reactor (FBR) Product Advantage and Disadvantage Comparison
Chart Generating electricity Clients
Chart Moving aircraft carriers and submarines Clients
Price : US$ 3,000 | Date : Jun 2023 |
Category : Energy, Mining and Utilities | Pages : 143 |
Price : US$ 3,000 | Date : May 2023 |
Category : Manufacturing and Construction | Pages : 123 |
Price : US$ 3,000 | Date : May 2023 |
Category : Services | Pages : 149 |
Price : US$ 3,000 | Date : May 2023 |
Category : Energy, Mining and Utilities | Pages : 154 |
Price : US$ 3,000 | Date : May 2023 |
Category : Manufacturing and Construction | Pages : 140 |
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